Online Diskussion mit bruegel und Europäischer Ausschuss der Regionen

30.06.2020 | In der Presse

ONLINE DISKUSSION MIT BRUEGEL: Redefining Europe’s role after the COVID-19 pandemic

Mit Guntram B. Wolff vom europäischen Think Tank Bruegel, Kalypso Nicolaïdis und John Erik Fossum sprach ich über Europa nach der Covid-19 Pandemie und über die Konferenz zur Zukunft Europas. Das ganze Gespräch könnte ihr hier sehen:

Und auch auf der Website des Europäischer Ausschuss der Regionen betone ich die Relevanz der Konferenz:

Gabriele Bischoff welcomed the Council position issued on 24 June, less than one week after the European Parliament adopted a resolution to urge the Member States to do so in order to be able to start negotiating the modalities of the Conference with the European Commission and the European Parliament She also stressed the important role of the local and regional level:  „With the Conference on the Future of Europe we want to go out of the Brussels bubble and reach out to citizens and regions in an innovative way. We are interested in their vision of the European Union for the future, their priorities and the policy areas where they wish to have more or different action from the European level. Europe is at crossroads. It can go back to the „old normal“ or it can use the opportunity to embark on a full recovery and relaunch of this fantastic European project. It is time for a new courageous „Schuman-moment“.“

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